Acne Treatment With Cutera® Laser Genesis


Acne Treatment With Cutera® Laser Genesis

Cutera® Laser Genesis is a non-invasive acne procedure that uses heat to kill acne while stimulating dermal regeneration to reduce the appearance of acne scarring.

How Does Cutera® Laser Genesis Work For Acne?

Cutera® is a 1064nm laser that uses controlled heat to kill acne-causing bacteria while simultaneously treating redness and scars caused by acne in the skin. This procedure is an effective, long-term solution to acne by treating the overacting sebaceous glands that clog up the skin pores when producing too much oil.

What Can Cutera® Treat?

Unlike other superficial procedures, this treatment penetrates deep into your skin’s cellular layer and counters the overactive sebaceous glands, promoting new skin cells and collagen growth.

In addition, it helps shrink skin pores on the cheeks, chin, nose, chin, and forehead while smoothening fine lines and rough skin, and reduce skin, reducing a symptom common to acne.

What Should I Expect During A Cutera® Laser Genesis Session?

At Eternity Med Spa, our advanced-trained nurses will clean and mark the treatment areas with a pen. Next, our nurses use a local anesthetic to comfortably numb the area before treatment. In some cases, you may also get additional medication to help you relax.

To treat your whole face, you must wear protective goggles and may receive a pain reliever, sedation, or stronger anesthesia.

The Cutera® Laser Genesis laser is passed over the skin, sending out pulses. Each pulse lasts less than a millisecond. The nurse will wipe the skin with water or a saltwater solution between passes with the laser. They wipe the skin to cool the skin and remove tissue destroyed by the laser.

Depending on the condition of the skin being treated, you may feel a slight burning sensation and differ in intensity depending on the number of passes.

What Are The Results From Cutera® Laser Genesis Treatment?

This popular, low-downtime laser helps improve acne breakouts, scarring, and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne.

Schedule A Personalized Consultation with Eternity Med Spa

Contact our team today at (314) 464-2868 to schedule a complimentary consultation with Eternity Med Spa! Start your journey towards looking your absolute best. For over 17 years we have treated patients from Chesterfield, O’Fallon, Manchester, Kirkwood, MO, and many surrounding areas.